Category: News

Fincantieri has signed an agreement for the acquisition of a minority stake via capital injection in Camper & Nicholsons International (Camper & Nicholsons), the world leading authority in all luxury yachting activities. The agreement includes the possibility for Fincantieri to increase subsequently its share capital in Camper & Nicholsons. The…
The new Frauscher 747 Mirage Air won the “Adriatic Boat of the Year 2015” award
Columbus Yachts have been launched and Naples returns to be the world Capital of big yachts
Aurelia, fast and sport 37 metres boat. Very popular among English and American yachtmen.
Xarifa, a new boat to discover dream itineraries
Azimut Yachts: bold and dynamic at the Palma Boat Show
Everybody ready for the Myba in Genoa, on board of Motor Vessel Phoenix

The Myba Charter Yacht Show in Genoa has started. A suggestive yacht and superyacht show where it’s possible to meet the international brokers of the luxury industry. The first stop-over of 30 Nodi and Professional Yachting Services team is Motor Vessel Phoenix. The 35,51 metres boat is supervised by Ocean…
Report published on ISIS threat to superyachts Consapevole della crescente preoccupazione per le notizie dei media su una potenziale minaccia ISIS nel Mediterraneo, sia tra i suoi membri che nella comunità più ampia dei superyacht, la Yachting Association Worldwide (MYBA) ha commissionato un rapporto speciale a Dryad Maritime, specialisti in intelligence di sicurezza marittima, per valutare…